A Guide To Transferring Files Using A Windows SFTP Client

Windows, including Windows 10, lacks a built-in SFTP client, making it challenging for users to securely transfer files to an SFTP server. This post guides Windows users on setting up an alternative solution for secure file transfers.
In this tutorial, we're introducing AnyClient, a versatile file transfer client optimized for Windows 10 users and those operating across diverse platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris. AnyClient's platform-independent capabilities underscore its broad compatibility, transcending the limitations of the built-in Microsoft FTP server. It supports various file transfer protocols beyond the conventional FTP/S, including SFTP, WebDAV/S, Amazon S3, and AFTP, catering to various secure file transfer needs.
This comprehensive support makes AnyClient an ideal solution for users seeking an SFTP client that facilitates encrypted file transfers with robust authentication features, aligning with the secure file transfer protocol standards. Whether managing files on an SFTP server, employing public key authentication for added security, or navigating through the complexities of configuring secure connections, AnyClient offers a tutorial-rich environment that simplifies these processes, making it a valuable tool for users across different operating systems.
To start, download the appropriate installer.
You'll notice that AnyClient has installers for various operating systems. Two of these run on Windows. Since Windows comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions, you'll need to download the installer corresponding to your version.
Once you've downloaded and launched the appropriate installer, you'll be presented with the AnyClient Setup Wizard. Click the Next button and follow the instructions shown.
Once you complete the installation, leave the "Run AnyClient" checkbox checked and click the Finish button to launch AnyClient automatically.
As a Windows SFTP client, AnyClient can transfer files over an encrypted channel. This makes it suitable for uploading and downloading files requiring high confidentiality levels. Like other Windows SFTP clients, AnyClient supports using SFTP key authentication, a.k.a. public key authentication.
In the succeeding sections, we'll show you how to use AnyClient to connect to an SFTP server, upload and download files, and log in via public key authentication.
If you'd like to see what our managed file transfer solution can do for your business, schedule your free demo to experience JSCAPE's power, security, and scalability.
Connecting to an SFTP server
Connecting to an SFTP server is fundamental in securely managing file transfers on a Windows environment, including Windows 10 and 11 versions. Using AnyClient, a versatile SFTP client, enhances this process through its support for various file transfer protocols, including SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP supported by Microsoft's built-in solutions. This guide walks through setting up an SFTP connection leveraging the secure file transfer protocol to ensure authentication and data integrity.
The first thing you'll need to do is set up a "site." A site holds all the necessary information to connect to your SFTP server. Follow these steps to create a site. You may use the screenshot below as a guide.
Setting Up a Site for SFTP Connection:
After launching AnyClient, click the "Connect/Sync" button to begin setting up a new connection site, essential for accessing your SFTP server. This involves creating a site profile that encapsulates all necessary details for establishing a secure connection.
- Defining Site Details: Create a new site profile by clicking the "New" button within the "Site Manager." Assign a descriptive name to the site, such as "SFTP server of Company XYZ," to ensure clarity. This step is crucial for organizing multiple connections within AnyClient.
- Rename: Rename that newly created item. I entered "sftp," but you might want to use something more descriptive, like "SFTP server of Company so and so."
- Protocol Selection: From the Protocol drop-down menu, choose SFTP/SSH to utilize the secure shell for encrypted file transfers. Notice that there are other file transfer protocols on that list. This highlights the importance of SSHD and OpenSSH server components in enhancing security.
- Server Information: Enter the hostname or IP address of your SFTP server. For testing purposes, using 'localhost' simulates a server running on your local machine, but typically, this would be the external address of your remote server.
- Authentication Credentials: Provide the username and password for your account on the SFTP server. This step underscores the significance of password authentication and the potential for public key authentication as an added layer of security. Note that you'll need to have an existing account on the SFTP server before you can connect.
- Password authentication: Enter the username's corresponding pasword.
- Finalizing Connection: After entering all necessary information, attempt a connection by clicking "Connect." This step verifies Successful authentication, including the option for public key authentication for added security. Remember to save your site configuration for future ease of access by clicking "Save." This will allow you to easily access the same service using the same user account.
First-time Connection Security Check:
The first time you connect to the server, you'll be shown this dialog containing the fingerprint of the SFTP server's public key. The fingerprint uniquely identifies the SFTP server. Of course, the public key also uniquely identifies the server, but it's usually very long. That's why its corresponding fingerprint is normally shown in its stead.
If you click Accept, this dialog will reappear each time you connect. To prevent that from happening, click Accept and Save. Once you do that, your client will save the relevant information, i.e., IP address/hostname and the corresponding fingerprint.
The client will then use this information to verify the server's identity whenever it connects. If the server submits a fingerprint that doesn't match what was previously saved, the dialog reappears again. This could mean one of three things:
1. The public key on the server was changed.
2. The client is connecting to a different server found in the same cluster as the one it previously connected to (e.g., when the two servers are behind the same load balancer and hence are showing the same IP to the client but have different public keys)
3. The client is being subjected to a man-in-the-middle attack.
For security reasons, it's important to check with the server's administrator if the dialog reappears even if you've been connecting to the same server (and have clicked Accept and Save) ever since.
Uploading and Downloading files
It's time to get into the meat of this tutorial. Let's now discuss how to upload and download files on this Windows SFTP client. Before we proceed with that, allow me to orient you first with the user interface. You'll be presented with the user interface below when you connect to the server.
That huge panel on the left represents your local file system. You'll see the files and folders on your laptop or desktop there. That huge panel on the left, on the other hand, contains all the files and folders on your SFTP server. Depending on the SFTP server, the files and folders you'll see on the right may be limited to those you have access rights. Navigation is very similar to most graphical file managers. You double-click a folder to navigate into it.
To upload a file, do the following:
1. Navigate into the folder that contains the file you want to upload and then select the file by clicking it.
2. Navigate into the remote folder where you want to upload the file.
3. Click the right-pointing arrow below the "local" panel to upload.
You should see your newly uploaded file in the remote panel to see if everything is going well.
The download process is similar to that. In the screenshot shown below, we have selected multiple files. You can select multiple files using the same hotkeys as your operating systems. So, basically, the download process consists of:
1. Navigate into the folder that contains the file(s) you want to download and then select the file(s) in question.
2. Navigate into the remote folder where you want to download the file.
3. Click the left-pointing arrow below the "remote" panel to upload.
Here's the screenshot showing the newly downloaded files.
AnyClient supports several other functions. These functions correspond to the numbered icons shown in the screenshot below:
Creating a new folder: Add new folders to organize your local file system or remote SFTP server and improve file categorization.
Renaming files or folders: Update the names of your files or folders to accurately reflect their content or project names.
Deleting files or folders: Remove unnecessary files or folders from your local or remote server to keep your workspace tidy.
Refreshing the folder view: Ensure you're viewing the most current content by refreshing the folder's contents.
Resuming interrupted uploads: In case of a connection issue, you can easily resume your upload without starting over, a crucial feature for reliable data transfer on unstable networks.
Uploading selected files: Securely transfer your selected files to the remote SFTP server, leveraging the SSH protocol for encryption.
Compressing files before uploading (Zip): You can save bandwidth and speed up your file transfer by zipping files before uploading.
The same functions can likewise be found in the 'remote' system.
Using SFTP public key authentication
Leveraging SFTP Public Key Authentication for Enhanced Security
SFTP stands out among file transfer protocols for its use of SSH and offers a significant security advantage over FTP by enabling two-factor authentication through public key authentication. This method is a cornerstone of secure file transfer protocols, providing a mechanism for servers to authenticate users based on their possession of a unique private key.
When combined with password authentication, public key authentication fortifies the authentication process, offering an additional layer of security. This dual approach is especially critical for users operating in Windows and Linux environments or connecting to an OpenSSH server, where the emphasis on security is paramount. If you're not familiar with 2-factor authentication and public key authentication, feel free to click the links in the previous paragraph.
Steps to Enable Two-Factor Authentication:
Activate password and public key authentication options to ensure dual-layer security for your SFTP connection.
Locate and select the private key file associated with your user account on the SFTP server. This key serves as your unique digital signature.
Input the passphrase for your private key, if applicable, to unlock its use for this session.
Initiate the connection by clicking the Connect button, thus engaging a secure channel to your remote or SFTP server.
This straightforward process introduces you to a higher security standard in file transfers, particularly beneficial for those using Windows Server, Windows 10, or Windows 11 systems, where leveraging advanced security features, like those offered by JSCAPE MFT Server, is essential.
Experience Advanced Secure File Transfer with JSCAPE MFT Server
Elevate your file transfer protocols with JSCAPE MFT Server, a leading managed file transfer (MFT) solution that secures your data across Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. Ready to experience unparalleled security in your file transfers?
Download AnyClient now and witness seamless, encrypted data movement whether you're working within the Microsoft ecosystem, leveraging Azure services, or utilizing secure FTP technologies. JSCAPE MFT Server and AnyClient offer a robust defense for your sensitive information, ensuring every file's integrity and confidentiality, from setup to SSH and SFTP connections, remains intact and unbreached.
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