
How To Set Up A HTTPS File Transfer: HTTPS File Sharing

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


In this post, you'll learn how to set up a HTTPS file transfer. We'll begin with a Quick Start, where you'll use the default settings in order to get a HTTPS file transfer service up and running with just a few clicks. After that, we'll tackle some of the more advanced settings so you can choose your desired set of SSL/TLS cipher suites and server key. Your choice of cipher suites and keys will have an effect on the security of your HTTPS file sharing and its compatibility with your users' web browsers.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer

What Is HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code), And How Does It Secure File Transfers?

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

An Overview of HMAC

Data integrity checks are vital to secure communications. They enable communicating parties to verify the integrity and authenticity of the messages they receive. In secure file transfer protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS, data integrity/message authentication is usually achieved through a mechanism known as HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code). In this post, we explain what HMAC is, its basic inner workings, and how it secures data transfers.

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Topics: Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS, HMAC

What Is HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)?

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

When I first read about HSTS, my first reaction was, "What's this? A replacement for HTTPS? Considering the ubiquity of HTTPS, shouldn't we be working to improve it first instead of replacing it?" Turned out, my initial understanding of HTTP Strict Transport Security was off the mark.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Secure File Transfer

That Free FTP Server Might Cost More Than You Think

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

As you scout for the most cost-effective way of transmitting files with your business units and trading partners, among the many file sharing solutions that will likely stand out are free FTP servers. Most of these software applications are already bundled (or readily available through repositories) in operating systems like Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, so they likely don't require additional costs ... or so it seems.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Secure File Transfer

What Is Client Certificate Authentication?

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


How do you strengthen a server's user authentication system? Well, one solution would be to add another authentication method. Most servers authenticate users through the usual username-password technique. If you can augment that with another method, you'll be able to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to break in. For servers whose users connect through Web browsers, one option would be something called client certificate authentication. Let's explore what this is.

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Topics: Secure File Transfer, FTPS, Client Certificate Authentication, security

How to Set Up SSL Client Authentication | JSCAPE

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


People who use SSL/TLS to secure their online transactions/file transfers are mostly only familiar with two of its security functions: 1. That it can encrypt data in transit and 2. That it can enable clients to authenticate the server. They're likely not making use of another feature that can greatly enhance SSL security even more - client certificate authentication.

If you've been following our posts, you know that client certificate authentication has been the subject of our discussion lately. However, we've never been able to talk about how to enable it on the server side. This quick post will be all about that.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer, FTPS

How To Install An SFTP Server On Windows

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

Because Microsoft Windows doesn't have a secure file transfer protocol server built in, we've put together a simple and easy-to-follow tutorial on how to install an SFTP server on Windows. 

The SFTP server we'll be using for this tutorial is JSCAPE MFT Server, a managed file transfer server that supports SFTP connections and several other file transfer protocols like FTP, FTPS, HTTP/S, WebDAV, AS2 and OFTP, as well as SSL and TLS. JSCAPE also offers a cloud solution called MFTaaS.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer, SFTP

Protecting Your File Transfer Service from Internal Threats

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


[Last updated: December 2020] Malicious insiders and careless insiders are increasingly posing serious risks to file transfer systems. If nothing is done to mitigate them, these internal threats can cause data loss or, worse, massive penalty-inducing data breaches. In this post, we take a closer look at internal threats, how they put file transfer systems at risk, and what you can do to mitigate them.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Business Process Automation, Secure File Transfer, FTP

How To Securely Transfer Large Files Over The Internet

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

Businesses that deal with large files such as high-definition videos, 3D CAD models, and so on, sometimes need to transfer these files to another department or to a trading partner located in another state, country, or continent. In situations like this, it pays to know how to securely transfer large files over the Internet.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Secure File Transfer

Install A Linux SFTP Server Via Command Line And Configure Via Web UI

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


Let's say you want to install an SSH FTP server (SFTP) on a Linux machine devoid of a GUI. However, after installation, you don't want to configure it (add users, create keys, enable public key authentication, choose algorithms, etc.) locally, moreso via the SFTP client. Instead, you want this SFTP server to be configured remotely through a graphical Web user interface. This is how we recommend you do it.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer, SFTP

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