
How To Set Up Automated AS2 File Transfers

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


In an earlier quickstart guide to setting up an AS2 server, we featured a manual method for sending EDI messages. Because EDI transactions are best carried out automatically, we thought it would be a good idea to show you how to implement real-time transactions on the same solution we used in that post.

AS2 (applicability statement 2) uses public keys and private keys to encrypt files being transferred between IP addresses. With AS2, security, authentication, message integrity and privacy are ensured with encryption, digital certificates and nonrepudiation techniques. AS2 provides greater security for your EDI data than standard FTP, supporting synchronous and asynchronous MDN (message disposition notification) and digital signatures.

Plus, with JSCAPE's AS2 server you can send files regardless of file size and content type.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Tutorials, AS2

How To Setup An AS2 Server With JSCAPE: A QuickStart Guide

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basic steps for setting up an Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) server. While the final outcome will only be a rudimentary AS2 setup, the steps you’ll encounter along the way are crucial in understanding AS2 configuration concepts. That said, we’ll be sharing links to other AS2 tutorials as we move along. When you combine all these tutorials, you’ll be able to configure a server for production-grade AS2 workflows.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Videos, AS2

Two Ways To Generate An SFTP Private Key

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

One of the major security features of SSH FTP is public key authentication. This authentication method allows JSCAPE MFT Server to verify a user's identity during login by asking for only the user's secret item — an SFTP private key file (SSH key). Using keys to authenticate users while requiring a username and passphrase gives us two-factor authentication.

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Topics: Managed File Transfer, SFTP

Monitoring A Remote SFTP Server for Newly Added Files

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

Most users of JSCAPE MFT Server are already familiar with directory monitors. You often use it to monitor a directory for newly added files. Although that capability has helped immensely in automating a lot of business processes, it had its limitations. In the past, directory monitors could only be used to monitor local directories and UNC paths but not directories on remote servers. In the upcoming MFT Server 11, that's going to be possible.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Tutorials, SFTP, Triggers

How To Copy Multiple Files From S3 To Azure Data Lake Storage

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to copy multiple files automatically from AWS S3 to Azure Data Lake Storage using JSCAPE MFT Server.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation

How To Push Files From Local To Azure Data Lake Based On An Event

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

Azure Data Lake is an excellent option for storing massive amounts of unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data in the cloud. One of the queries we often get pertaining to it is how to push files from a local storage to Azure Data Lake based on an event. Let me show you how it's done using JSCAPE MFT Server.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Triggers

How To Automatically Transfer Files From SFTP To Azure Blob Storage Via Trading Partner

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

In a previous post, we taught you how to automatically transfer files from SFTP to Azure Blob Storage using a JSCAPE MFT Server network storage object. This time, we'll show you how to do it using a trading partner object.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Tutorials

How To Automatically Transfer Files From SFTP To Azure Blob Storage Via Network Storage

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

Let's say you have trading partners who can only transfer files to you via SFTP. Incidentally, you also happen to have an account on Azure Blob Storage and you prefer to store those files there. You're probably thinking: How can I automatically copy files from my SFTP server to Azure Blob Storage? That's easy if you're using JSCAPE MFT Server. We'll show you one-on-one, if you request a free trial.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer, SFTP

Three Ways To Generate OpenPGP Keys

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on

JSCAPE MFT Server makes it easy to strengthen secure file transfers with OpenPGP encryption and decryption. But before you can protect your files with this cryptography method, you need to create the necessary public/private key pairs. In this post, we'll introduce you to three ways of doing that.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Secure File Transfer, OpenPGP keys

How To Set Up A HTTPS File Transfer: HTTPS File Sharing

Updated by John Carl Villanueva on


In this post, you'll learn how to set up a HTTPS file transfer. We'll begin with a Quick Start, where you'll use the default settings in order to get a HTTPS file transfer service up and running with just a few clicks. After that, we'll tackle some of the more advanced settings so you can choose your desired set of SSL/TLS cipher suites and server key. Your choice of cipher suites and keys will have an effect on the security of your HTTPS file sharing and its compatibility with your users' web browsers.

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Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer

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