Increased IT complexity, regulatory compliance obligations and senior management demands for greater efficiency are rapidly rendering general-purpose file transfer solutions incapable of meeting current business needs. To address these challenges, proactive businesses have been shifting from traditional solutions to managed file transfer (MFT) servers.
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MFT servers explained: Why your business needs one now
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Topics: JSCAPE MFT, FTP Server, sftp server
7 alternatives to an SFTP platform you probably didn’t know
Updated by John V. on
Many of our customers use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for their business file transfers. While SFTP is certainly a good choice for organizations looking to securely transfer multiple files or large files directly to their intended recipient, it’s not the only solution suited for that purpose. In this post, we’ll review seven secure FTP alternatives and discuss their advantages and disadvantages compared to what many consider the de-facto standard for secure, multi-file and large file transfers.
Read MoreTopics: SFTP, sftp server
When SFTP isn’t enough— Signs you need an MFT Solution
Updated by Kyle Lapaglia on
For the past few decades, many organizations have used the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) as their main file transfer solution. It’s more secure and less prone to connectivity issues than the archaic File Transfer Protocol (FTP). However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that SFTP is also starting to age. Companies struggle to meet today’s business needs and use cases with purely SFTP-based solutions.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, SFTP, sftp server, mft solutions
MFT Gateway vs. SFTP Server: Key Features and Differences
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Some people are unsure of the difference between MFT Gateway and SFTP server. These are two distinct applications with different core functionalities. Combine them, and you’ll get a more secure, compliant, and highly available file transfer environment.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, sftp server, mft gateway
What port does SFTP use?
Updated by Van Glass on
The SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) uses TCP port 22 as its default port number. However, if you or your server administrator wishes to assign a different port number for your SFTP service, the protocol allows it. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the default SFTP port number and tackle some key considerations when choosing alternate port numbers for your SFTP server.
Read MoreTopics: SFTP, ssh, sftp server, sftp port number
A Guide To Transferring Files Using A Windows SFTP Client
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Windows, including Windows 10, lacks a built-in SFTP client, making it challenging for users to securely transfer files to an SFTP server. This post guides Windows users on setting up an alternative solution for secure file transfers.
Read MoreTopics: File Transfer Clients, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, ssh, Windows SFTP Client, sftp server