How to Import & Export User Accounts | JSCAPE

Last time, we taught you how to copy users from one JSCAPE MFT Server instance to another using the Promote feature. That's the easiest way to copy users if you have a network connection between those two MFT Server instances. But what if you don't? Well, you can use the Export and Import features instead.
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Exporting users
To export a user or set of users, go to the domain whose users you want to export and navigate to the Users module. Next, select the user or users you want to export and then click the Export button.
That should bring up the Export Users dialog where you have the option to rename or retain the filename of an export file that contains details of the exported user accounts in JSON format.
We'll just leave the filename as is for now and click OK.
Save the exported file.
Once you've saved the file, you can then transport that file to the JSCAPE MFT Server instance where you want to import those user accounts.
Importing users
To import users, go to the domain where you want to import the users and then navigate to the Users module. After that, click the Import button.
That should bring up the Import Users dialog. Click the Choose File button and then navigate to the folder where you have the JSON file you exported from the other MFT Server instance earlier.
Select the file in question and then click OK.
With that, you should then see your newly imported user accounts among you list of user accounts.
That's it. Now you know how to export and import user accounts on JSCAPE MFT Server.
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