Customer Downloads


These downloads are for customer use only and require a customer license key for usage.

Important Notice

If you are an existing licensed user wishing to upgrade please contact the Help Desk to obtain a valid license key for this version.  Previously generated license keys that do not have a maintenance expiration setting are incompatible with the current version and will result in application starting in evaluation mode.

This managed file transfer software may not be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported to any country subject to U.S. trade sanctions governing the software, countries including Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria.

Filename Platform Description MD5
install.exe Windows (32 bit) Windows GUI installer MD5
install_64.exe Windows (64 bit) Windows GUI installer MD5
install.rpm Linux (including Linux z/OS IBM zSeries) RPM console based installer MD5 Linux/Solaris/AIX ZIP console based installer MD5
install.dmg Mac OS X DMG GUI installer MD5

Patch History 

Additional Downloads

JSCAPE MFT Server Agent

Customers needing access to previous releases may contact the Help Desk for assistance.

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