JSCAPE MFT Gateway 1.5 Released

JSCAPE MFT Gateway 1.5 is released adding support for URL Rewrite Rules.
  1. Blog

jscape mft gateway 1.5 releasedJSCAPE is pleased to announce the release of JSCAPE MFT Gateway 1.5. This release includes several enhancements, the most important of which is the ability to define URL rewrite rules when setting up a reverse proxies for HTTP/S protocols.

Introducing URL Rewrite Rules

The HTML content sent over HTTP/S protocols can contain both relative and absolute URL references. When setting up a reverse proxy for these protocols it is important that absolute URL references be rewritten to point to the correct host, otherwise the user may experience issues such as broken JavaScript, images and links. URL rewrite rules consist of find and replace regular expressions that can be used to define how HTML content is rewritten before being served to the client. A number of commonly used rules are included in the default installation with the ability to add rules as needed.


Download JSCAPE MFT Gateway Evaluation

If you are a registered user of JSCAPE MFT Gateway please contact the Help Desk to upgrade to the latest version.

About JSCAPE MFT Gateway

Storing sensitive data in the DMZ is a violation of many compliance standards such as HIPAA and PCI DSS. JSCAPE MFT Gateway is a reverse proxy server that allows your trading partners to access your data without having to open ports on your internal network or store sensitive information in the DMZ.

JSCAPE MFT Gateway is a perfect companion to JSCAPE MFT Server offering a secure and high availability managed file transfer solution designed to meet PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX and GLBA compliance requirements.